Tuesday, November 27, 2012

And in the end...

This technology class has helped me realize that technology is always changing and even after I have graduated from college I will still have to keep up with the changes that are taking place.  Another reason to stay up to date with technology is because children are quick learners and most of them have access to computers and have begun to learn all about technology at a very young age.  One of the few issues I see about this class is when it takes place in the curriculum.  I feel like I will forget all of the useful things I’ve learned before I’m done with college in two years. 

One of the most useful things that I picked up from this class probably comes from the web tools assignment.  I don’t think I ever realized how many different free resources there are for teacher out there on the internet.  I also learned about teacher tube which is pretty much you tube but directed towards education, I don’t think I would’ve ever thought of using a you tube video as a source for a lesson before this semester. 

There were a few things I did not like about this semester but it was mainly Google docs.  I hated everything about Google docs, the concept behind it seemed well thought out but I did not like using it at all.  This semester has been an adventure and hopefully the next three that I have before I become a teacher go as well as this one has.

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