Monday, November 26, 2012

Google Docs

Google Docs is an awesome site to help families communicate in the classroom.  It allows anyone who has a google account to communicate and collaborate through documents that are similar to word documents.  There are some positives and negatives about google docs in my opinion.  The positives are that it allows sharing documents with a group of people of any size, which can be important in a classroom setting for parents and teachers to communicate.  What I didn't like about google docs was the slideshow option, I didn't like the functions for it at all and I think it would be so much easier to just use power point.

Google docs will be a good tool when students are working as a group because it can be accessed at home or from any computer. 

NETS - T - this collaborative use of technology will be an effective tool in the classroom among both parents and students

3. Model Digital Age Work and Learning
Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work
processes representative of an innovative professional
in a global and digital society.
b. Collaborate with students, peers, parents,
and community members using digital tools
and resources to support student success
and innovation
c. Communicate relevant information and ideas
effectively to students, parents, and peers using
a variety of digital age media and formats


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