Monday, November 26, 2012

Ethics and Technology

The problem with the internet is that it provides so many resources to use when writing papers that it makes it hard for a teacher to check all resources for honesty. is a website that helps teachers out in this process.  The site provides an online database of internet sites that are scanned and compared to a students paper that they submit to the online site.  All the teacher has to do is setup an account on the site and send the link to it out to the students so that they can log in and submit their papers.  This site eliminates the guess work out of grading papers and greatly reduces plagiarism.

NETS-T - this site helps students promote a sense of responsibility for creating their own work and not coping others

4. Promote and Model Digital Citizenship
and Responsibility

Teachers understand local and global societal
issues and responsibilities in an evolving digital
culture and exhibit legal and ethical behavior in
their professional practices.
a. Advocate, model, and teach safe, legal, and ethical
use of digital information and technology, including
respect for copyright, intellectual property, and the
appropriate documentation of sources


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