Monday, November 26, 2012

Assistive Technology

Did you know that computers come with different types of assistive technology built into them when you buy them?  Every computer varies with how to find the different assistive technology so the best way to find the technology is to look at the user guide that comes with the computer or to just simply google it.  Some of the different types of technology that exists on the computer are providing contrast, magnifying pages, on screen key board and a sound alert when certain keys are pressed.  There are many more technologies on the computer that will assist many different disabilities.  As a teacher getting to know the computers in the classroom and how to utilize the different tools because there could be a child that could benefit from them in the classroom right now.  It would also be helpful to make a cheat sheet for parents, so that they can access the same technology at their houses to help students succeed on homework as well as projects.
contrast applied to a webpage

NETS-T - using assistive technology helps improve students with specials needs learning ability

2. Design and Develop Digital Age Learning
Experiences and Assessments

Teachers design, develop, and evaluate authentic
learning experiences and assessment incorporating
contemporary tools and resources to maximize content
learning in context and to develop the knowledge,
skills, and attitudes identified in the NETS·S.
a. Design or adapt relevant learning experiences that
incorporate digital tools and resources to promote
student learning and creativity

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